
Can You Paint Straight Onto Galvanised Steel?
Galvanised Steel

Can You Paint Straight Onto Galvanised Steel?

Galvanised steel - steel coated with a layer of zinc to protect it from rust and corrosion - is a popular choice for its ability to handle moisture, humidity, and harsh weather conditions with ease. It naturally has a silver finish that works for many uses, but if you’re after a more colourful look, you might wonder if you can paint directly on its surface.

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How Steel is Made, Step by Step

How Steel is Made, Step by Step

Chances are, you've already used steel in several ways today - from the car you drove in to work to the knife and fork you used at dinner. Steel is all around us and the world would look very different without it, but most of us don’t really know how it’s made.

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How to Harden Steel at Home

How to Harden Steel at Home

Hardening steel at home can be a rewarding skill, whether you're tackling a big project or simply want to strengthen your tools. It might seem intimidating if you're new to working with metal, but with a little knowledge and some basic tools, you can achieve great results without advanced equipment or years of experience.

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